19 tips to improve your virtual brand’s operational metrics on food delivery apps

Opening hours

The days and times that you are open to accept delivery orders on each delivery platform.

  • Respect the schedule set on delivery apps to avoid rejecting orders. Being consistent drives trust with customers, increases retention, and sales.
  • Make sure to be open for at least 95% of your scheduled hours. Below that level, delivery platforms negatively impact your ranking and therefore your sales.
  • Open during peak hours (between 12 pm and 2 pm & between 7 pm and 10 pm) to reach more customers and increase your sales.
  • If your opening hours change, let us know using the Chat button on your Otter tablet or via WhatsApp +443309128828. You can also adjust your hours using your Business Manager interface (Read more: How to update my hours?).

Order acceptance

The delivery orders received and accepted by your restaurant. Missed and cancelled orders are a surefire way to see your restaurant’s raking decrease.


The quality of a restaurant based on the ratings from its customers.

  • Do a quick last check of the bag to make sure all items are packed. According to our data, a missing item is the main reason for 1-star reviews.
  • Deactivate unavailable menu items directly from your Otter tablet in order to avoid cancelling orders or delivering them incomplete (Read more: How to deactivate an item temporarily).
  • In the exceptional case you forgot to indicate that an item is out of stock, try to contact the customer to offer a replacement to reduce the disappointment.
  • Make sure your packaging retains heat and lets out moisture.
  • Use neutral packaging for your virtual brands to avoid confusion.
  • Write a note on the bag, or add a little sweet to leave a positive impression on the customer and increase your chances to collect positive feedback.
  • Make sure the quality and the quantity of the food is matching the standard of your own restaurant.
  • Answering reviews is considered an important factor to drive retention. At Future Foods, we will take care of that part for you!

Preparation time

The time it takes you to get an order ready.

  • Prepare the bag in advance (napkins, cutlery, little note, and more).
  • Respect the established prep time to be synchronised with the arrival time of the rider (Read more: How to adjust my preparation time).
  • Don’t leave the riders waiting! Delivery platforms consider a delay when the rider waits more than 5 minutes. This negatively impacts your store ranking.
  • Always give the bag to the rider directly and verify the order number to avoid mistakes.