Get your cancellation rate back on track

The delivery platforms have established guidelines for virtual restaurants to follow in order to be in good standing on their apps. Your Future Foods virtual brand needs to maintain a cancellation rate of less than 2% to remain in good standings with delivery partners. Two key factors that can drastically help your cancellation rate are making sure you and your staff know how to 86 items on your Otter tablet and update your store hours in Otter Dashboard. Checkout the step by step guide below.

Updating hours for your Future Foods Brand

To help improve your store's standing on the delivery apps, if you have future closures/holiday hours, please be sure to update it on the Otter Dashboard instead of pausing. NOTE: You need to update your virtual brand hours at least 24 hours ahead of time to prevent canceled orders.

Step 1

Log in to your account at

Step 2

On the upper left-hand side of your Otter navigation bar, find the Apps tab. Hit the drop down arrow and select Menus. In the Menus window, select the brand(s) that you want to set hours for. Click the Hours button at the top of the page and then hit Edit.

Step 3

Find the day you need to adjust hours for and make your chances accordingly. To close your store for the day, toggle the Closed icon.

Please note: if you need to update to make a one-time adjustment, click on the Special Hours tab, make the desired changes to your hours & click Publish.

Step 4

When you finish, hit Publish to submit and repeat for any other virtual brands you have.

How to 86 an item on your Otter tablet

Rather than having to cancel orders, 86 any items your restaurant doesn't have available for the day to prevent eaters from ordering it on the delivery platforms

Step 1

From your Otter tablet, select “Menu” from the left hand drop down

Step 2

Select the name of your virtual restaurant you need to adjust availability for

Step 3

Click on the drop down arrow next to the item you need to 86

Step 4

Mark the item as unavailable and use the orange button below to push the changes to the delivery platforms