Virtual brands help restaurants boost sales and reach new customers without increasing operational costs. Restaurants use the same kitchen to fulfill orders from a new, delivery-only brand that’s actively managed and marketed by Future Foods.
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We match your restaurant with a menu expert to understand which of our brands make the most sense for you based on inventory, location, competition and more. All you have to do is start cookin'!
We promote and market your virtual brands on the delivery apps to ensure you get the eyes you need to boost your bottom line.
All your delivery orders (virtual & otherwise) come in through Otter: an all-in-one delivery management solution that makes keeping up with endless orders easy.
Delivery drivers pick up orders for your new virtual restaurant just like they would your brick & mortar delivery orders. Get great reviews from happy customers who will keep coming back.
Use your existing kitchen, staff, and ingredients to sell more orders with virtual brands. No risk, all the rewards.
Make it easy to find the special items on your menu by leasing an item-specific brand to help hungry customers find exactly what they’re looking for.
Serve the right items to the right people with different brand types for vegetarians, the health-conscious, noodle lovers, and much more.
We maintain and market every brand to drive as much demand as possible. All you have to do is cook the orders that come in. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
“I’ve had days where a Future Foods brand alone topped out my indoor and online sales combined. So, I called Future Foods back and said this is really working for me. What other brands do you have?”
No startup fees, lengthy contracts, or commitments.
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In the meantime, you can browse available brands near you or check out our blog for more information.